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These are all original case digests or case briefs done while the author was studying law school in the Philippines.

Hopefully these digested cases will help you get a good grasp of the salient facts and rulings of the Supreme Court in order to have a better understanding of Philippine Jurisprudence.

Please forgive any typo/grammatical errors as these were done while trying to keep up with the hectic demands brought about by the study of law.

God bless!

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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Human Rights Jurisprudence

Yasin v Hon. Judge Sharia 

GR No. 94986
23 Feb 1995


She was formerly married to Hadji Idris Yasin but they were granted a decree of divorce by the Mindanao Islamic Center Foundation, Inc., in accordance with Islamic Law. Her husband, having contracted another marriage, she wants to resume her maiden name Hatima Centi y Saul. 


Rules of Court, Civil Code, Muslim Personal Laws of the Philippines (PD 1086)


Petition is granted. Rule 103 of the Rules of Court on change of name does not apply to this case. Similarly, in the Civil Code provisions, when the marriage ties or vinculum no longer exists as in the case of death of the husband or divorce as authorized by the Muslim Code, the widow or divorcee need not seek judicial confirmation of the change in her civil status in order to revert to her maiden name as the use of her former husband’s name is optional and not obligatory for her.

AT v Hungary Communication No. 2/2003
26 Jan 05


Petitioner has been domestically abused by her common-law husband during several incidents. She however was unable to go to an alternative shelter as one of her two children is severely brain damaged.


UN Convention on the Elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW) 


Delay of 3 years in legal proceedings is an unreasonable delay, considering the irreparable harm and threats the author received from her husband. Hungary admitted that there were not enough remedies available to the author. UN said in response that “woman’s human rights should not be superseded by other rights such as the right to property”.

City of Manila v Laguio
GR No. 118127  
12 Apr 05 


This is a case assailing the constitutionality of a city ordinance prohibiting the establishment or operation of businesses providing EAR in the Ermita-Malate area, where women are used as tools (prostitution).


City Ordinance of Manila v Constitution, and other statutes 


The ordinance contravenes the constitution (due process and equal protection clause, right to liberty, privacy, unnecessarily involves taking away of property. It also contravenes the Local Government Code as it merely empowers LGUs to regulate, not prohibit, business establishments.

Concepcion v CA

 GR No. 123450
31 Aug 05

Gerardo Conception and Maria Theresa Almonte were married in 1989 and had a son Jose Gerardo in 1990. However, their marriage was annulled in 1991 on account of Maria Theresa’s former marriage with Mario Gopiao, thus committing bigamy.

Almonte, enraged by the annulment case filed by Conception making Jose Gerardo illegitimate, assailed the visitation rights given to Concepcion by the RTC.

Article 164 of the Family Code which states “The child shall be considered legitimate although the mother may have declared against its legitimacy or may have been sentenced an adulteress.” 


Only Mario and his heirs can contest the legitimacy of Jose Gerardo. Also, Mario and Maria Theresa were living in the same city (Quezon City), so sexual intercourse is presumed. Jose Gerardo is a legitimate child of Mario and Maria Theresa.

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